Now You See Her
byJames Patterson (Goodreads Author), Michael Ledwidge

byJames Patterson (Goodreads Author), Michael Ledwidge
This was very suspensful with every turn of the page! A woman on vacation during Spring Break accompanied with her boyfriend and best friend, finds herself in the largest nightmare imaginable. While drinking and partying with her boyfriend and best friend she finds herself waking up, still intoxicated to her first nightmare. He boyfriends and best friends are sleepin together behind her back! During her madness and still drunk she steals the keys to his sports car and takes off thru the Flordia streets only to come upon a dog before she can stop and it's owner running out in front of her. She hits the man, killing him. She has almost decided to leave the scene when a cop pulls up and she knows it is too late to leave with out being caught now. Facing the problem, the cop falls instantly in love with her and decides to help her out by desposing of the body and providing her with comfort which turns into a marriage. During this marriage, and after finding herself pregnant with his child, she discovers all the lies and secrets her cop husband has been keeping from her. He has been dealing drugs and is life deep in the hidden, corupt world, that is making him silently rich. She decides to run for her protection and that of her un-born child because with her husbands past carries death of all his other wives. She puts together a plan and leaves and with it she is chased and almost killed by a frightening serial killer, only to escape to New York. There she raises her daughter in secret and lies used for their protection. She manages to work her way up in the world and becomes a high profile lawyer, and just when she was feeling that she would never have to look over her shoulders again, that was when her world came crashing down around her. Leaving her daughter behind, she travels back to Flordia for the last time in her life to combat her past full on, so that she may help to free the man that is accused of being the serial killer that supposedly took her life and having been there she knows the man is innocent. So, now she faces her worse fears, her husband, his corupt police department, and worse of all her past and the truth.
This was a thrilling page turner from the first page. A non-stop thrill ride to the end! This book was very hard for me to put down and upon waking in the middle of the night I would find myself picking up the novel just to read another chapter to find out what happens next just to help me go back to sleep and even after I would still have my mind turning with the excitement of what was going to happen next!
This was a thrilling page turner from the first page. A non-stop thrill ride to the end! This book was very hard for me to put down and upon waking in the middle of the night I would find myself picking up the novel just to read another chapter to find out what happens next just to help me go back to sleep and even after I would still have my mind turning with the excitement of what was going to happen next!
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