A Time To Kill
by John Grisham (Goodreads Author)

by John Grisham (Goodreads Author)
Jessica RiffeKincaid's review
bookshelves: adult, fiction, mystery, thriller-suspense
Read in October, 2010
After losing his daughter's innocence to two white men, that brutally raped and physically abused her, to the point she almost died. Her father decided that justice was not going to be served because of the state they lived in and how they were treated for being African American, he decided to take justice into his own hands and shot and killed both men that attacked his little girl. After being arrested, standing up to the KKK, and being exposed to the world, in this southern state, a lawyer comes to fight the court system and help this man find peace, for himself, his child, and his family. This novel made me cry, and stand tall for justice to be given where it was rightfully needed. This was a great court room drama, with my worst fears for my child was put on trial.
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